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International Network
The Philadelphia Chapter of
The French-American Chamber of Commerce
in the United States, Inc.
is a Member of
(Formerly UCCIFE)
124 French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Abroad assist companies with their international business development.
124 Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie Françaises à l’International (CCIFI) accompagnent les entreprises dans leur développement international.
Present in 93 countries, the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Abroad form a global network with more than 30,000 member companies.
Présentes dans 93 pays, les Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie Françaises à l’International (CCIFI) constituent un réseau mondial de plus de 30.000 entreprises.
124 French Chambers of Commerce & Industry (CCI) in 93 Countries
FACC Philadelphia is a Member of CCI France International

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