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Sam Quinn

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Sam Quinn
Owner/Creative Director Budwood Brand Design


Sam is the founder and creative director of Budwood Brand Design. She is creative, self-motivated and entrepreneurial minded with an extensive background in event management, hospitality, marketing and branding. Throughout the course of her career, she has honed her management, event coordination and, marketing abilities.


An open-minded effective and motivational leader, she has excellent skills in customer service. An out-of-the box thinker that enjoys brainstorming and coordinating efforts to achieve a common goal. She considers her top three transferable skills to be Communication, Leadership, and Negotiation.


Sam grew up in South Africa where she earned a degree in Graphic Design and Advertising from the prestigious Red & Yellow School in Cape Town, South Africa. The Red & Yellow School was founded by Brian-Searle-Tripp, a top creative director of the leading global communications firm Ogilvy & Mather (named the most effective advertising agency network in North America in 2013) to provide graphic design students with the practical, hands-on skills needed to succeed in the advertising industry.

After her graduation, wanting to see more of the world and gain real life experience, Sam set off on a three-year work and travel backpacking adventure that took her around the globe to England, Israel, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Scotland and Botswana. Living among different cultures helped her gain an invaluable understanding of people and fueled her interest in creating visual communications with universal appeal.


It was during the course of these travels that she met her husband, Bryce, with whom she settled in Philadelphia. It was here working in some of the city’s top restaurants, that Sam got a crash course in American culture and witnessed firsthand the growth of the flourishing wine scene.


Sam and Bryce share a deep rooted passion for both wine and design. Sam has gained much insight and understanding of the wine trade through her husband Bryce and his business, Boutique Wine Collection, experiencing first hand over the past 14 years the daily operations of this successful wine import company. Budwood is the organic end result of an inevitable marriage of wine and design. Perfectly grafting together Sam’s lifetime of experience in wine, business and design.


About Budwood Brand Design:


Budwood is devoted exclusively to the wine trade, unlike other companies that provide design services for the beverage industry at large.  Budwood's unique approach and proven marketing strategy are the direct results of their passion for wine and our expertise in the field. Budwood knows from experience the love and dedication that you have put into your wine. You have labored throughout the process of bringing it to market, paying close attention to the smallest detail.


Budwood specializes in telling your story in clear, creative visuals.  Whether you need your current labels refreshed, are establishing a sub-brand, need help with signage and in-store marketing, or maybe you are looking to create a whole new brand, Budwood will help you discover your story and translate it into visuals that communicate it to the world.

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