Crossing the Pond:
European Expansion Strategies for Your Business
6:00 PM Registration, Refreshments & Networking
6:15 PM Welcome and Panel Discussion
7:30 PM Q&A
7:45 PM Business Card Drawing, More Refreshments & Networking
8:00 PM Program Concludes
FACC President and Board Member Jonathan A. Grode, Esq., US Practice Director, Green and Spiegel LLC, moderated a panel addressing strategies to help companies expand to Europe and France.
Vanessa Jannot-Wayne, Business Development Director, Business France, New York
Update on the French Business Climate
Legal Changes under the Current French Administration
Incentives and Advantages of Establishing a Business in France
Nihat Kurt, Esq., Partner, Expat Management Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Immigration to the EU
Specific Visa Options for the Netherlands and France
Working with Customers in France and the Rest of the EU from a Business Set-up in Amsterdam
Tifphani White-King, JD, EA, Principal, National Tax Practice Leader, Mazars USA, New York
Tax, Trade, and Tariff Considerations When Expanding Your Business to Europe
Jeremy Heep, Esq., Partner and Head of the French Desk, Pepper Hamilton LLP, FACC Board Member, and Event Host-Sponsor
Welcome FACC Members and Guests
Litigation Considerations and the Differences between Dispute Resolution in Europe v. the US
International Arbitration
John Kostenbauder, CPA, Partner, Mazars USA's Ft. Washington, PA, and Event Sponsor
International Tax and Consulting Services Provided by Mazars USA
Merci Beaucoup to Our Event Host and Sponsors:
Pepper Hamilton LLP
On 18th Street between Arch & Cherry
Philadelphia, PA 19103