Thursday, February 1st, 2018
11:45 AM - 2:00 PM
Lunch provided.
1700 Market Street, 26th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Participants Brought Business Cards for Networking and a Prize Drawing!
Who attended the event?
40 Members and guests of the FACC, BABC and GACC participated in the US Tax Reform Update
hosted by Deloitte Tax over lunch on 2/1/18.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act includes significant modifications to
international provisions of the US Tax Code.
What should US companies know?
Participants learned about how these provisions might impact their business
and result tax planning considerations.
$45/person for Non-members & the General Public
$35/person for FACC Members & the guests they register
Employees of FACC Corporate Members & the guests they register
always qualify for the discounted FACC Member Registration Rate!
11:45 AM Registration, Networking & Lunch Buffet
12:00 PM Welcome
12:05 PM Formal Presentation
1:55 PM Business Card Drawing
2:00 PM Program Concludes

Jared Gordon, CPA
Managing Director
International Tax
Philadelphia Office
Deloitte Tax LLP
Jared Gordon is a Director in Deloitte Tax’s Philadelphia International Tax Group with over 20 years of experience in corporate and international taxation. Jared has practiced in New York and Washington, including five years in Deloitte’s Washington National Tax Group focusing in mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, spin-offs, consolidated returns, and cross-border restructurings.
Jared serves large multinational companies in numerous industry sectors such as technology, consumer products, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing. He provides strategy in international tax structuring (both inbound and outbound) and has numerous multinational clients.
Jared is an adjunct professor at Villanova University’s Law School. He also is the author of numerous articles on corporate tax and consolidated returns and is a frequent speaker and instructor on corporate and international tax matters. Jared is a member of the New York and District of Columbia Bars. Jared received his JD degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and his LLM in Taxation from the New York University Law School.

Paul Pellegrini, CPA
Senior Manager
Philadelphia Office
Deloitte Tax LLP
Paul Pellegrini is a Senior Manager in the Philadelphia International Tax practice at Deloitte.
He has almost a decade of experience serving multinational corporations and private equity companies on a wide variety of international tax matters, including mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, post-acquisition integration, and cross-border financings and restructurings.
Paul’s clients are primarily inbound companies (i.e., foreign companies investing in the U.S.) headquartered in Western Europe.
He is a frequent speaker at local tax events, such as the annual Global Tax Conference at Villanova, and participant at the French-American Chamber of Commerce’s activities.
Paul has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware; a J.D. from Villanova University School of Law; and an LLM in Tax from New York University School of Law.
Meet our Speakers: