Thursday, January 16th, 2020
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Many Thanks to Our Host:
Reed Smith LLP
Three Logan Sq., 1717 Arch St., Ste. 3100
Philadelphia, PA, 19103
This program was targeted towards international companies interested in establishing or expanding their business in Pennsylvania!
A discussion moderated by FACC President Jonathan A. Grode, Esq., US Practice Director, Green and Spiegel LLC - Immigration Law, about opportunities for business from overseas in the region as well as opportunities for existing operations looking to expand.
Joseph Burke, Deputy Secretary, International Business Development, Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (PA DCED), spoke about State incentives.
Lauren Swartz, Senior Director, International Business & Global Strategy, City of Philadelphia, Department of Commerce, addressed City incentives.
The Honorable Jared Solomon, PA State Representative, 202nd District, Philadelphia County, shared his insights on the pro-business legislative perspective.
Merci Beaucoup to our host, Lori Armstrong Halber, Partner, Reed Smith LLP.
Guests enjoyed refreshments and networking for 30 Minutes before and after the panel discussion.
Guests exchanged business cards and had chance a to win a prize.